ADVENTURE AWAITS: GOTTA CATCH THEM ALL! Mrs. Mitra and Mrs. Smith are trying to build better readers. Are you up for the challenge? Watch this video and log-on to the Library Clever Page (Adventure Awaits Reading Challenge heading) to learn more. But don't delay...the challenge starts Monday, Oct. 5th. Happy reading!
Need Information about Virtual Learning? Check out our Virtual Cardinal Learning Page! See important links, teacher introductions, and more!
Special Report by the CAES Morning Tweet News Crew 2020 Check out this special distance-learning edition of the Morning Tweet!
CAES Virtual Holiday Concert Our 2nd and 3rd grade students had to share their holiday spirit! Come sing along with us as we celebrate this wonderful time of year. Thank you to our music teacher, Mr. Summitt, for organizing, conducting, and editing our first ever virtual holiday concert.
Happy Holidays from the CAES Encore Team! Ms. Enyingi, Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Madden, Mrs. Mitra, Mrs. Pealo, Mr. Summitt, and Mrs. Vukmanic want to wish students and families a fun, restful, and safe holiday season.
Our Boon Supply Fundraiser is happening NOW! The PTA Boon Fundraiser deadline is Thursday, December 31st, but if you'd like your order by Christmas, you must place your order by Friday, December 11th! Please be sure to share on social media, too! All money raised will go directly to our Encore classes! Thank you so much for your support!
IWCS to Hear Public Comment on Proposed Capital Improvement Plan The school division annually develops a Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) to cover large projects related to buildings and other facilities. Information, such as enrollment projections and building capacity, are referenced as part of the planning process. The proposed plan is submitted to the Isle of Wight County Board of Supervisors for consideration for inclusion in the county's CIP. The Isle of Wight County School Board will hear Public Comment on the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) during the October 8, 2020 School Board meeting.
Do you think it's possible to live life without plastic? (a CAES Virtual Expo) Today is the day! Click on the picture to view our Virtual Expo!