About Us » Principal's Message

Principal's Message


Our theme for the 2023-2024 school year is little friends, BIG FUTURES. Carrollton Elementary is unique in that we are the only pre-k through third grade school in the division. With 600+ Cardinals, this means we have lots of little friends around here!


We refer to our students as friends because we partner with you in training them to be able to collaborate, to communicate, to cooperate, and to contribute as constructive citizens. Knowing how to treat others is just as important as knowing how to count or sing the alphabet. BIG FUTURES -- this year some of our students will learn to walk and talk and grip a pencil; many will learn how to read, write, add, and subtract. Students will develop their number sense, infer an author's purpose, and demonstrate positive leadership. Cardinals will learn to write their name in cursive this year and some may become published authors in the years to come. Cardinals will learn how to multiply this year and some will become engineers. Cardinals will learn about the color wheel, resting heart rates, and algorithms and will become artists and athletes and computer programmers. We will teach them about gumption and resilience and integrity, respect and empathy and responsibility -- all with the hope that they will do big things as they become bigger people. This will be my 35th year in school work and I have former students who are doctors, lawyers, artists, pastors, parents, teachers, and one who is the principal of an elementary school I drive by on my way to work! Our kids’ futures start today and I'm privileged and excited to be part of this wonderful team of professionals who join with you to invest in those futures, those BIG FUTURES.

Mr. B.

Robert D. Brennan
