2020-2021 School Enrollment is online! Online enrollment (NEW students only) for the 2020 - 2021 school year is now open. Parents and guardians may complete the online portion of enrollment at iwcs.k12.va.us/enrollment.
Stories from the NEST (7/1/2020) Check back on our News Feed every Wednesday at noon for a new story from a member of our Cardinal Community! This week, we will hear 1st grade teacher Ms. Booth read If You Give a Mouse a Cookie.
Stories from the NEST (6/24/2020) Check back on our News Feed every Wednesday at noon for a new story from a member of our Cardinal Community! This week, we will hear our engineering teacher, Mrs. Hall, read Stand Tall, Molly Lou Melon.
Stories from the NEST (6/17/2020) Check back on our News Feed every Wednesday at noon for a new story from a member of our Cardinal Community! This week, we will hear our 2020 CAES Teacher of the Year, Mrs. Rosenberry, read The Frog in the Pond.
Stories from the NEST (6/10/2020) Check back on our News Feed every Wednesday at noon for a new story from a member of our Cardinal Community! This week, we will hear district 1st grade teacher Mrs. Haslip read The Secret Life of Squirrels: A Love Story.
IWCS iPad Collection/Return Smithfield Middle SchoolFriday, June 12, and Monday, June 15,from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Happy FIELD DAY, Cardinals! Join Mrs. Madden and the CAES crew in celebrating FIELD DAY from anywhere with these virtual field day activities!