Carrollton Elementary School Student Belongings Pick-up Process

Carrollton Elementary School

Student Belongings Pick-up Process

Curbside Appointments and Car Loop

Car Loop Only

Monday, April 6

Tuesday, April 7

Wednesday, April 8

10:00 – 2:00

9:30 – 1:30

9:30 – 1:30

3:00 – 7:00

3:00 – 7:00

1:00 – 5:00


Appointment-only Curbside Service on Bus Ramp

  1. Please enter the parking lot at the far entrance near the bus ramp and follow the sign to enter the bus parking lot; pull up near the building with driver’s side closer to sidewalk

  2. Drive down the length of the sidewalk as far as possible.

  3. A staff member will greet you to get your child’s last name.

  4. Please have your driver’s side backdoor window down so the items can be placed on your backseat.

  5. Exit by driving toward New Towne Haven Lane, turning left in front of the building and proceeding through the parking lot to the exit near the Carrollton Library.

Drive-by Pick-up in the Car Loop

  1. Please enter the parking lot at the far entrance near the bus ramp and turn right to drive through the visitor parking in front of the building.

  2. Drive into the car loop as far as possible.

  3. A staff member will greet you to get your child’s last name and teacher’s name.

  4. Please have your driver’s side backdoor window down so the items can be placed on the backseat.

  5. Exit onto New Towne Haven Lane near the Carrollton Library.


Medication Pick-up

If you need to pick up medicine, please park in the lot by Door 12; Door 12 is on the far right of the front of the school. Wait on the sidewalk which will be marked with spots six feet apart for social-distancing. At Door 12, you will be assisted by Nurse Stalls who will process your request inside the building. Once you have retrieved the medicine, please return to your vehicle by walking across the grass, not passing those on the sidewalk.


Lost & Found

Lost and Found will be located on the sidewalk near Door 2, which is located in the front of the school--you’ll pass by it when exiting. The sidewalk will be marked with spots six feet apart for social-distancing.


Library Books & Other School Property

Library books, ARC books, and other school-issued property may be placed in boxes available on carts. Simply place the item(s) in the box and we’ll make sure it gets to the right place. (There’s no need to return completed instructional packets.)


Thanks for helping us maintain a safe social distance!